👉As the gendarme busies himself finding his notebook, Jerry remembers: at the end of the QuickADR check, a document was edited, and automatically downloaded to his phone.📱
👮 He presents it to the gendarme, who finds all the useful information, in particular that which proves that this transport does indeed benefit from the partial exemption. linked to the quantities transported.
📝This report obviously shows that all driver and vehicle obligations have been checked and complied with.✅
The gendarme is pleased and surprised.💪 He thinks that QuickADR would help him find his way more easily when checking a vehicle loaded with Dangerous Goods. He's going to talk to his superiors about it 😉
👍Jerry CANNE can head back to his destination. He's happy to have avoided a ticket, and thanks to QuickADR, Axelle won't have to waste any time contesting it. Happy fête de la musique to you all!
Season 1- Episode 5
Season 2-Synopsis